Programmatic Control

Every method and property listed here can be found in greater detail in our Class API reference, specifically be sure to check out the DevelopmentConsole api page.

Hiding the Show .Command Button

The show .Command button can be set to display or hidden with the DrawShowDotCommandButton property. Pass true or false to this depending on if you want to show or hide the button.

DevelopmentConsole.Instance.DrawShowDotCommandButton = true;

Change the text of the show .Command button

ShowDotCommandButtonMessage will allow you to override the default message on the ‘show console’ button.

DevelopmentConsole.Instance.ShowConsoleButtonMessage = "My custom message";

Change the location of the show .Command button

By default the ‘show console’ button is displayed in the top left corner, you can override this behaviour with the DisplayCorner property.

DevelopmentConsole.Instance.DisplayCorner = DisplayCorner.TopRight;

Receiving callbacks when .Command appears or disappear

It’s possible to receive a callback when .Command opens, either manually or automatically, with the VisibleStateChange property.

DevelopmentConsole.Instance.VisibleStateChange += (visible) => {
        // Disable In-Game Controls
        // Enable In-Game Controls

Adding additional Custom Filters

At any point during execution you can add additional filters to .Command, this can be useful if you support dynamic module loading, or if your team wants to distribute .Command as part of a central package and doesn’t know ahead of time what Filters they will have

private enum DynamicModuleFilter
