
Namespace: WellFired.Command.Unity.Runtime


Console is a MonoBehaviour that opens an in game .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command>, this console can call any Property / Method that is marked up with the ConsoleCommandAttribute.


int InputBlockerSortingOrder { get; set; }
string ShowDotCommandButtonMessage { get; set; }
DevelopmentConsole Instance { get; set; }
bool IsMaximized { get; set; }
bool DrawShowDotCommandButton { get; set; }
bool ForceMinimize { get; set; }
DisplayCorner DisplayCorner { get; set; }
bool JustMadeVisible { get; set; }
bool EmailLogSupportEnabled { get; set; }
bool IsVisible { get; set; }
ISkinData SkinData { get; set; }
bool AutoScroll { get; set; }

Public Properties

Action< bool > VisibleStateChange
bool ShouldAcceptGameInput
IEnumerable< string > RecentCommands


float ScreenWidth

Public Methods

void AddCustomFilters ( Type customFilterProvider )
void DisableAutoOpen ( )
void EnableAutoOpen ( bool openOnException = true, bool openOnError = false )
void HideAllOpenPopups ( )
void ClearTypedInput ( )
void SetCommandInputTextAsIfUserHadTyped ( string text )
string CheckInputForTilde ( string input )
void InspectLogEntry ( LogEntry logEntry )
void Clear ( )

Public Static Methods

void Load ( bool clearConsoleCommandEnabled = true, bool deviceIdCommandEnabled = true, bool inspectCommandEnabled = true, bool emailLogSupportEnabled = true, bool autoScrollEnabled = true, Type customFilterType = null )


  • DisplayCorner DisplayCorner { get; set; }


    Set this if you would like to change corner of the screen the ‘open .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command>’ button is located.

  • int InputBlockerSortingOrder { get; set; }


    Since .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> is based on Unity legacy GUI, we use the new UI system to block input behind the console. This property allows to set the sorting order of the canvas used to block input. It is by default in front of everyting.

  • DevelopmentConsole Instance { get; set; }


    Gets or sets the singleton instance of .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command>.

  • bool IsMaximized { get; set; }


    Is the console maximised

  • bool DrawShowDotCommandButton { get; set; }


    Should we draw the ‘open .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command>’ button or not.

  • bool ForceMinimize { get; set; }


    Has the user clicked on the Force Hide button. If so, they can re-open the console with the ~ key or by setting this value to false.

  • string ShowDotCommandButtonMessage { get; set; }


    Set this if you would like to change the message displayed on the ‘open .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command>’ button.

  • bool JustMadeVisible { get; set; }
  • bool EmailLogSupportEnabled { get; set; }
  • bool IsVisible { get; set; }
  • bool AutoScroll { get; set; }


    Scroll to last entry and auto scroll.

  • Action< bool > VisibleStateChange


    This Action will be triggered when the visible state of .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> changes. If it’s called with true, it means .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> became visible, if it’s called with false, it means .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> was hidden

  • bool ShouldAcceptGameInput


    You can query this in your game, to see if the game should accept Input. This will return false if the console is showing for any reason.

  • IEnumerable< string > RecentCommands
  • float ScreenWidth
  • void AddCustomFilters ( Type customFilterProvider )


    This method allows you to add more filters to the consol at runtime, .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> calls this internally when you pass filters to load, but you can additionally call this if you need to append more. (I.E.) you load modules at runtime and can’t be sure of which enums will be needed at load time.


    customFilterProvider This type should be an enum, which holds the types you’d like to use when filtering.
  • void DisableAutoOpen ( )


    This method will stop .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> from auto opening if an error is fired, you can still open it manually.

  • void EnableAutoOpen ( bool openOnException = true, bool openOnError = false )


    This method will make sure .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> auto opens if an error is fired.


    openOnException Should .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> auto open on exception
    openOnError Should .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> auto open on error
  • void HideAllOpenPopups ( )


    This method will hide all open popups.

  • void ClearTypedInput ( )
  • void SetCommandInputTextAsIfUserHadTyped ( string text )


    You can call this method if you’d like to set input in .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command> as though the user had typed it.


    text The text to enter into .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command>
  • string CheckInputForTilde ( string input )


    Checks the input for the close key and Closes the Development console if it is found.


    input The Input.
  • void InspectLogEntry ( LogEntry logEntry )


    Opens a the history of a specific Item.


    logEntry Log Entry.
  • void Clear ( )


    Clears all output in .Commands Log History.

  • void Load ( bool clearConsoleCommandEnabled = true, bool deviceIdCommandEnabled = true, bool inspectCommandEnabled = true, bool emailLogSupportEnabled = true, bool autoScrollEnabled = true, Type customFilterType = null )


    Call this method to load a single instance of .:ref:Command<namespacewellfired_command>. You can then access the instance through the Instance property.