Quick Start

.Command is built to be incredibly easy to use, in here, you’re going to find two sections, one will get you running with no work, and the other is a bit more manual, but provides you more control.

Its recommended that you follow the Slightly less Quick Start for more control over .Command, but for those of you who are unfamiliar with writing code (or simply don’t want to), you can get started with the Quickest Start section.

Quickest Start

Simply drag the prefab DebugConsoleLoader from the /WellFired/WellFired.Command/Platform/Prefabs directory into your scene and press play. You can now toggle .Command with the tilde (~) key, or by pressing the button at the top left of the screen. Once open .Command should look something like this.


Slightly less Quick Start

The recommended approach when loading .Command is as follows.

For this quick start, we assume you already have an entry point, or a single place in time where you’d like to load and instantiate .Command.

  1. Decide upon your entry point for .Command. This will be where you load .Command.

  2. Add the required using

    using WellFired.Command.Unity.Runtime.CommandHandlers;
    using WellFired.Command.Unity.Runtime.Console;
  3. Load .Command

    // Loads .Command with the default settings.
  4. Tell .Command to register built in commands.

    // Register built in .Command Inspect commands
  5. Optionally Customise .Command behaviour. (.Command has sensible defaults).

    // Dont auto open when an exception is thrown.
    // Show the 'show .Command' for quick access if users don't have a tilde key (for instance mobile platforms)
    DevelopmentConsole.Instance.DrawShowDotCommandButton = true;
    // Set a special message on the 'show .Command' button
    DevelopmentConsole.Instance.ShowDotCommandButtonMessage = "Show .Command (~)";
    // Tell the 'open console' button to display in the top left corner
    DevelopmentConsole.Instance.DisplayCorner = DisplayCorner.TopLeft;
    // Get a notification when the visible state of the console changes. I.E. It becomes visible
    DevelopmentConsole.Instance.VisibleStateChange += (visible) => {
            // Disable In-Game Controls
            // Enable In-Game Controls

Now press play in Unity and you can toggle .Command with the tilde (~) key.

And Then?

In the coming pages, you’ll learn more about .Command’s User Interface, how to filter the log as well as how to add custom commands.