Theme and Settings


.Command ships with a couple of options that can be modified to suit your needs. These options reside in the Unity Preference window. To access them, go to Unity > Preferences (on macOS) or Edit > Preferences… (Windows).

From here, select the .Command menu in the left hand pane.


There are currently only two global .Command settings.

  1. Allow sending of usage data
    .Command will by default send anonymous analytics data to WellFired Development to help improve .Command functionality, if you don’t want this feature, be sure to disable this option.
  2. Theme
    .Command ships with a selection of themes that are ready to use out of the box, you can select the theme here. By default, .Command uses the dark theme.

Going deeper?

You’ve now completed all the basic’s! In the next section you’ll learn how to provide suggestions for a ConsoleCommand.